Customized International Business Training Programs and Workshops
“I have had a productive academic career that has encompassed living and working in North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific. I did my graduate work at the Stern School of Business, New York University where I obtained a Ph.D. degree in International Business. My interest in exploring the impact of cultural differences developed and grew as I experienced and moved across different cultures. It has been an enlightening journey that has led to personal growth and advancement with insights which I would like to share with others.”
-Rajesh Kumar

Training programs and workshops are in the following areas:
- Negotiating Across Cultures
- Managing Partnerships
- Navigating Across Cultural Boundaries
The workshops are tailored to the specific needs of the participants. They can range from one to several days with the possibility of a follow up session. They are conducted in an interactive manner and are experiential in nature.
Available Workshops
Strategic Alliances
As the pace of global competition has intensified so has the need to forge collaborative partnerships. Strategic partnerships are potentially beneficial but need to be nurtured and nourished effectively to create a sustained competitive advantage for the firms concerned. In this two-day workshop we look at the challenges of collaboration and how the potential in these partnerships can be realized. We draw upon case studies, participants’ experiences, and best practice frameworks that have been developed to understand alliance development.
Negotiating Across Cultural Boundaries: A Two-Day Workshop
The ability to negotiate across cultures requires a set of skills that might test your imagination, patience, and adaptability. Different cultures have a different set of operating procedures for how to negotiate. This workshop introduces you to a set of cultural barriers that might make the negotiating process challenging. We also discuss the different cultural barriers and the skills needed to manage the cross cultural interface effectively.

Doing Business in India
India is now the world’s largest democracy and the fifth largest economy in the world. It has long been an outsourcing destination for foreign investors, but India is also gaining traction for its large domestic market. The objective of this one-day workshop is to introduce you to India. We will discuss the economic, political, and the cultural environment in India and its implications for foreign investors. The workshop will highlight strategies for operating in India that will ensure success.