Managers embedded in different national cultures operate on the basis of different assumptions. These assumptions are tacitly held and many may not even be consciously aware of them. In some respects, assumptions can become a source of hidden bias as they color our...
Managing Fear and Anxiety in Intercultural Interactions
As we cross cultural boundaries whether as a tourist or as an expatriate, we find ourselves confronting a new reality, namely that our preexisting assumptions no longer have much validity. We have to discover and learn new ways of navigating in a different cultural...
Cultural Aspects of Doing Business in India
As managers initiate business dealings overseas, they are tasked with the necessity of understanding the cultural landscape. Those who are able to understand and master the intricacies of the local culture will prosper while others may get disappointed and exit the...
Negotiating Across Cultures
The ability to negotiate effectively is one of the most important managerial skills. It determines the ability of managers to create value for their companies. Globalization provides new sources of value creation whether via the emergence of new market opportunities...
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